A Cantar a una niña

OpaSings A Cantar A Una Nina

Welcome to OpaSings.com, the online home of Opa, a multi-talented artist who captures the hearts of his fans with his beautiful voice, skillful keyboard playing, and soulful violin performances. Today, we are thrilled to share with you one of Opa’s most beloved songs in Spanish, “A Cantar a una niña.”

This enchanting song tells a story of love and devotion, as the protagonist serenades the object of his affection with promises of eternal love and affection. Opa’s beautiful voice is perfectly complemented by his expert playing on the keyboard and violin, creating a truly mesmerizing musical experience.

As you listen to “A Cantar a una niña,” you will be transported to a world of passion and romance, where every note and every word is imbued with emotion and feeling. Opa’s expertly crafted instrumentals provide the perfect backdrop for his soulful vocals, creating a truly immersive and unforgettable experience for his fans.

OpaSings A Cantar a una niña


OpaSings – A Cantar a una niña

A cantar a una niña
yo le enseñaba
y un beso a cada nota
Siempre le daba
Y Aprendió tanto,
que aprendió muchas cosas
menos el canto, menos el canto.

Conocer las estrellas
Tambien queria
y un beso en cada nombre le repetía.
Que noche aquella, que noche aquella,
Le inventé cien mil nombres
por cada estrella.

Por fin pasó la noche,
llegó la aurora
se fueron las estrellas,
ye quedó sola. (bis)
Y elle decía,
Debiera haber estrellas
también de día, también de día.


When I Sang to a Child
I taught her
And gave her a kiss
With every note
She learned so much
She learned many things
Except the song.

She also wanted
To know the stars.
For each name
I gave a kiss.
What a night!
I invented a hundred thousand names
For every star.

Finally, the night passed
The dawn arrived
The stars were gone
And she remained alone.
And said
There should be stars
By day as well.

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