When I was a baby
SING ALONG WITH OPA When I was a baby When I was a Baby [do_widget id=rpwe_widget-3]
SING ALONG WITH OPA When I was a baby When I was a Baby [do_widget id=rpwe_widget-3]
SING ALONG WITH OPA If you are happy and you know it Der Glumph Splish Splash Splosh The Rhino Song…
SING ALONG WITH OPA If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)If you’re happy and…
SING ALONG WITH OPA Der Glumph went the little green frog one day, Der Glumph went the little green…
SING ALONG WITH OPA Splish Splash Splosh I’m having wash Splosh Splash Splish – I’m wet as a fish Soap…
SING ALONG WITH OPA I know, everybody knows You got one tail, four feet, twelve toes Mr Rhino, look what…
SING ALONG WITH OPA Eency Weency spider climbed up the water spout, Down came the rain and washed poor Eency…
SING ALONG WITH OPA In the town where I was born,Lived a man who sailed to sea,And he told us…